

Workshop: Autism & the Challenges of Adolescence

7 February, 2016

A Foundational Training for Teaching Children with Autism: Know Me, Teach Me:

27 – 29 January 2016

Know me, Teach me: Annual training workshop

29 September – 1 October 2015

Autism & Behaviours…Turning ‘Bad’ to ‘Good’

24 Apr 2015 to 25 Apr 2015

Post Conference Workshop on PEERS Social Skills Training

09 Feb 2015 to 12 Feb 2015

Pre Conference Workshop on Research Methods

05 Feb 2015 to 06 Feb 2015

Workshop on Teaching a Student with Autism in the Mainstream Class Room

01 Oct 2014

Participated in a training program on Handling Special Need Children in mainstream school

01 Oct 2014

Chaired the session Health & WASH in the workshop

01 Oct 2014

Participated in a Symposium organised by SASR

01 Oct 2014

Know Me, Teach Me: A Foundational Training for Teaching Children with Autism

01 Oct 2014

Annual Training Workshop Know Me, Teach Me

01 Sep 2014

Invited to attend the International Seminar

01 Mar 2013

Workshop on The Power of Social Stories

01 Mar 2013

Talk on Evidence-Based Practice for Special Educators Teaching Students with Autism

01 Mar 2013

Workshop on Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment of People With Disabilities organised byEqual Rights Trust

01 Feb 2013

Participated in a meeting on Lets Make Inclusion Happen In Delhi

01 Feb 2013

Conference for the South Asia Autism Network

01 Feb 2013

Invited to make a joint presentation

01 Feb 2013

Workshop on Good Governance,Transparency And Accountability organised by Credibility Alliance

01 Feb 2013

Talk on Autism Spectrum Disorders Identification and Management

01 Feb 2013

Conference by National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities

01 Jan 2013

Participated in a National Seminar on Multi-disciplinary Approach to Disability Management

01 Dec 2012

Talk at the Parivaar National Meet

01 Dec 2012

Attended residential Leadership Training program organised by American Express and Common Purpose.

01 Dec 2012

Conducted a one-day training on Early Intervention and Education for children with Autism at Autistic Children's Welfare Foundation

01 Nov 2012

Talk on Connecting Autism

01 Nov 2012

Participated in the Intervention for Autism Development Workshop

01 Nov 2012

Conducted Multi Category Training for Resource Teachers of SSA

01 Oct 2012

Participated as a committee member to draft the guidelines on education of children

01 Oct 2012

Know Me, Teach Me workshop at AFA.

01 Oct 2012

Discussions on the 12th Five Year Plan-Working Group on Disability of the Kerala State Planning Division Thiruvananthapuram

01 Sep 2012

Received the first Autism Award

01 Sep 2012

Invited to speak at the Asia Pacific Autism Conference

01 Sep 2012

Conducted a teleconference training on Intervention and Education For Children With Autism

01 Sep 2012

Talk at the Annual Interact Symposium 2012

01 Sep 2012

Participated as a Chairperson

01 Sep 2012

Conducted two Multi Category Training sessions

01 Aug 2012

Talk on Expressing And Overcoming Stereotypes

01 Jul 2012

Talk on Advocacy Efforts and was the launch of South Asia Autism Network

01 Jul 2012

Workshop on From the Whys to the How’s in understanding why people with autism need specific teaching strategies and how to implement them

01 Jul 2012

Participated in a workshop and delivered lecture on Multi-Disciplinary Management of Children with Autism

01 Jun 2012

Carried out a number of training sessions for SSA Resource Teachers

01 Jun 2012

Invited to speak at the ICare4Autism International Autism Conference: Autism: A Global Perspective

01 Jun 2012

Participated in a conference “Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities in Bangladesh and South East Asia”

01 Jun 2012

A talk on Partnership between AFA and The Music Therapy Trust

01 Jun 2012

Meeting with the core committee of experts of the Rehabilitation Council of India

01 Jun 2012

Delivered talks on Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members

01 Jun 2012

Meeting on Issues in Developmental Paediatrics

01 May 2012

Attended two meetings of state consultation on Inclusive Education- Let’s Make Inclusion Happen in Delhi

01 May 2012

Talk on Signs of Autism and How to deal with behavioural problems of children with Autism

01 May 2012

Award for Professionals from Developing Countries and paper presented at San Diego

01 May 2012

Attended a National Conference on Livelihood for Persons with Disabilities

01 May 2012

AFA attended and presented a paper at the International Conference for Autism Research

01 May 2012

Represented AFA and the Autism community as a dialogue partner at the Sixth Mindmine Summit of the Hero Mindmine Institute Limited on Social Equity: Are we ready to give more and take less?

01 Apr 2012

Talk on autism

01 Apr 2012

Panellist on IEDSS, Monitoring and Convergence -The Road Ahead

01 Apr 2012

Conference on Inclusive Learning Environment organised by Higher Colleges of Technology Dubai UAE

01 Apr 2012

Visitor from Pune to AFA for a workshop

01 Apr 2012

Talk on Education for Persons with Special Needs in International Settings

01 Apr 2012

Invited by College at Old Westbury, SUNY

01 Apr 2012

Speaker at Global Autism Advocacy Leadership Network Meeting

01 Apr 2012

Introduction to Hanen More Than Words and the Early Start Denver Model

01 Apr 2012

Workshop on Autism: Inclusion and Inclusive Education

01 Apr 2012

Workshop on Structured Teaching

01 Dec 2011

Conducted a session on Legal Capacity and Persons with Disabilities for a National Consultation on New Disability Law

01 Dec 2011

Workshop on Handling Behavioural issues of Kids on the Autism Spectrum

01 Dec 2011

Workshop on Behaviour Modification Strategies and Integration of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

01 Dec 2011

Panellist on Disability: Translating Needs as Rights at the Annual Conference

01 Dec 2011

Participated in a talk and discussion on

01 Nov 2011

Resource person for a workshop on Addressing Diversity in Classrooms through Inclusive Education

01 Nov 2011

Attended the 3rd International Conference and 7th National Workshop

01 Nov 2011

Contributed to Curriculum Planning for Inclusive Education for the SSA

01 Nov 2011

Panellist at a Seminar on Inclusive Education: Whose and How

01 Nov 2011

Conducted a three day Workshop on Autism for parents and professionals

01 Oct 2011

Conducted a four day workshop

01 Sep 2011

Panellist for film festival

01 Sep 2011

Organised a workshop

01 Sep 2011

Participated in the Latest Understanding and Learning about Autism

01 Sep 2011

Participated in a seminar on Circles of Support

01 Sep 2011

Contributed to a meeting on Inclusive Education

01 Sep 2011

Discussion to create awareness for autism.

01 Sep 2011

A presentation on AFA and its activities to senior staff

01 Sep 2011

Training on Teaching Children with Autism

01 Aug 2011

Invited as a Guest Speaker at a workshop on Autism

01 Jul 2011

Training for teachers on Autism and How to Deal with Behavioural Issues in a Mainstream School

01 Jul 2011

Talk on The Role of the Teachers in an Inclusive classroom

01 Jun 2011

Attended 7th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research. Travel award received and paper presented.

01 May 2011

Chaired the technical session and talk on Autism Spectrum Disorder

01 Apr 2011

Workshop on Current Understanding of the Diagnosis of Autism and Treatment Options

01 Apr 2011

Activate Yourself held a second meeting

01 Mar 2011

Self-Advocate represented the autism community

01 Mar 2011

Training on setting up and structuring a vocational unit for persons with autism

01 Mar 2011

Workshop on Structured Teaching

01 Mar 2011

Training on Principles of ABA, Behaviour Modification and Structured Teaching

01 Feb 2011

Workshops at the invitation of the Centre of Neurodevelopment and Autism at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

01 Jan 2011

Multi Category Training for Resource Teachers of SSA

01 Jan 2011

Talk on Service Delivery Model for persons with Autism

01 Jan 2011

Self-advocate with autism shared insights from his journey at a two-day workshop

01 Jan 2011